Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Puttin' My Wonder On...

And so there I was sitting at a table at Denny's with the Board of Directors of SiliCon and I've got six pairs of eyes on me and they've got questions and somehow somehow I've got answers and these answers just keep tumbling out of my mouth and I swear to god I'm not bullshitting them I really know this stuff I really know what I'm saying and the answers are there and they're real and I'm completely honest when I don't know the answer and I say so and o god o god o god please don't let me sound like an idiot but they believe me and they want me to help them and they don't have any money so I have to do it gratis and is that okay and I say it's okay because they're just this little fledgling homegrown sci-fi convention and they're barely making it as it is and o god what am I saying what am I getting myself into and do I really know what I'm doing because they're looking at me they're looking at me with hope in their eyes like I can save them because I know what I'm talking about and I have the answers they're looking for and they need me...

o god o goddess o mighty aphrodite please don't let me fail

they're counting on me

I have to answer the call

Current mood: Petrified...oh, yeah, and Confident. That, too. Whoever said that you can't feel two conflicting emotions at the same time? Come to think of it, that may be the root cause of my emotional instability...

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