Monday, April 23, 2007

Too Perky to be Goth?

So today this friend of mine says to me--in the nicest possible way--"You could never be Goth. You're too perky to be Goth."

What? You mean I'll never be dark enough, edgy enough, angsty enough? Gee, I could have been such a groovy little Evanescence groupie, too.

I don't know... I mean, I know your friends can sometimes see you more clearly than you see yourself, but I think my capacity for darkness is being underestimated here. You people really have no idea what I'm capable of. [weg]


Badger said...

"You people really have no idea what I'm capable of. [weg]"

I can see it. I don't know, sometimes you kinda scare me.

Tanja said...

Well, at least *someone* recognizes my potential as a Creature (remember to roll the r's) of the Night! Now all I need are some decent props, a Goth wardrobe, some black eye makeup, and some sharp spikey things to stick through sensitive areas of my body... um... hm.

On the other hand, maybe I'll just go back to making daisy chains and singing "Michael Row the Boat Ashore"...

Badger said...

Be sure and take pictures.

"Don't feel it, be it."