Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tooth and Claw

Well, I don't know if it was my invoking my heroes that called up all my horrors, or if it was the discussion in my Victorian Lit class about our innate fear of being consumed, but last night the whole of Jurassic Park escaped (or was let loose) and went ramping through my dreams. They were all there, from the T-Rex on down. There was even a Yeti and a giant spider.

Through the course of the night, I experienced the terror of being sniffed over (more like blasted over) by the T-Rex's hot breath while I held my breath in a petrified pose, clawed and snapped at while balancing precariously along a high fenceline (a fenceline that logically if I had been able to clamber up on, the velociraptor should have been able to as well--and perhaps that was part of the terror), and desperately tried to hold the handle of a door closed while something tried to scrabble through it to get at me from the other side.

For some odd reason that only my Unconscious will ever know, the whole of the action took place in and around a large rambling Victorian mansion, with plenty of dark rooms and hallways to get lost in along with creaky floorboards to give one's position away. Somehow I managed to avoid capture and a subsequent bloody death.

Suffice it to say, when I woke up I was exhausted, as if I had been running for my life all night long. Because I had.

Why can't I dream of Harrison Ford?

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