Sunday, February 10, 2008

Shadow Boxing

The Shadow Opera website has been updated!

Great practice today. We auditioned a percussionist and he was really good. His addition made all the difference in the world. And it was fun!

We're adding a few new songs by Fiona Apple and Sarah McLachlan: stuff I just love to sing. And I have to say, I'm in love with Robert Plant. I will never ever get tired of singing his songs. Never Ever.

There's something about really great music--I mean *really* great music--that just taps into something elemental... not that it's simple necessarily, but that it is pure. There is a lot of technical skill that goes into this--a lot of effort--but when it comes together, suddenly... suddenly we are more than the sum of our parts.

I'm also singing in a choir on Friday nights. It's a small informal group, but we're learning a lot. I'm hoping to brush up on my music reading skills--something I have never been very skilled at. We're making beautiful harmonies and having a good many laughs in the process. By the end of the evening, whatever small tight ball of stress has built up in my middle over the course of the week has unwound and disappeared.

Laughter and singing have this much in common: breathing, deep and full. No wonder I feel high.

Listening to: Sarah McLachlan's Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

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