Saturday, June 9, 2007

When you sing you begin with Do-Ray-Mi

Another great band practice today. I am so happy to be singing again! And the others are saying how nice it is to have another vocalist and what a good job I'm doing. And all I can think is, "I know nothing! I need to take a class!" That is my answer to everything: Take a class. But here I am. I'm doing it. So why do I think I need to take a class? It's just that whenever I throw myself into the mix like this, I become conscious of what I do not know. I can sing, but I don't play an instrument, and I can barely read music. I think I can find middle C if I try really hard. Give me a starting note and I can fake my way through. My ear for harmony is pretty good, but I need to really work at it. I am never at ease in a state of ignorance and always long to learn more. I would like to be able to read music confidently, and know harmony well enough that once I make something up I can take notes on the spot and be able to repeat it when we do it again. When am I ever going to learn this?

In the meantime, I have the pleasure of working with some really experienced and talented musicians. I am already learning so much from them.

I'm not worthy! ;-)

38 Days to Lift-Off