Friday, February 22, 2008

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Woke up to *snow* this morning--big beautiful fluffy flakes falling down... down... And all the more beautiful and magical since I knew that I could just enjoy it and go home. If I lived here, it might not be so delightful if I knew I'd be spending part of the day with a shovel in my hand. Nevertheless... SNOW! How gorgeous.

Snow Fact #1
Once melted snow has evaporated/dried out of my hair, it leaves it feeling super soft. (Is there some way I can patent this? I can just see it now: Snow Treatments for Hair. I'll be rich!)

Snow Fact #2
Catching a snowflake on your tongue is harder than it looks. (Actually, the odds are you will catch something, but you have to be willing to look like a complete idgit walking down the street with your head back, mouth open, and tongue lolling out. I guess that's why only children and dogs manage to do this with impunity.)

Snow Fact #3
Or How to Make a Perfect Snowball
1. Gather up a large portion of freshly fallen snow, as much as two hands can comfortably hold. (I know that there are some hardened snowball soldiers out there who prefer icy snow for the smart stinging quality it administers, but I prefer fluffy snow for the nice scattering effect it displays upon impact.)
2. Shape snow into a sphere of roughly even proportion. Tamp it down to give it some heft.
3. Take careful aim and hurl it at your nearest "enemy." This can be anyone from your next door neighbor to the family dog, but it is particularly effective on teenagers.
4. Repeat ad infinitum.

Snow: $0
Seeing a snowball connect with my teenager's head: Priceless.

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