Thursday, April 19, 2007

Left! Right! Switch!

So I tried this Chai Tea exercise last night. Excuse me, Tai Chi. (I'm always getting those two mixed up). I had bought the DVD months ago and have only now gotten around to trying it out. This is my relationship with exercise: procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate.

Anyway, so I give it a shot, and really it's not bad. I like exercise to feel energizing, not like I'm being hit by a truck and then backed over again slowly. So Tai Chi is definitely of the former. However, I have discovered, to my chagrin, that my mind has difficulty processing the whole left/right thing when I'm trying to emulate a moving image on TV.

Now before you start teasing me about not knowing my right from my left, please note that I have qualified the above statement. The thing is, my mind wants to see the instructor as a mirror image and I am moving in response to that image. All of a sudden he throws directions into the mix: "Step out with your left foot..." Wait a minute... that's not my left foot, that's my right foot. Maybe it doesn't matter. No, but now I have to extend my left arm over my right foot, so do I use my left or my right? What?.... And so on. By the time I'm done with this workout, I really don't know my right from my left.

I think next time I try this I'm going to turn around and watch the reflection in the picture above my couch. Maybe that will help. If not, I'm going to turn the TV off and go for a walk. Then it won't matter which foot goes first.

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