Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Everyday Heroes

Earlier this week--I think it was Monday--when I was driving to work through downtown San Jose, something unusual happened. There was this blind woman out in the middle of the street, nowhere near a crosswalk, just completely disoriented walking in circles. Traffic slowed to a crawl, but still kept moving. She was clearly getting frantic, unable to find her way. I was about three or four cars back when a man pulled his truck over, hopped out, took her arm, and led her to safety.

It was just so surreal. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, including my own thoughts. Did anyone else think to help her? Did I? I like to think that I had only had enough time to assess the situation--that if I had been a little bit closer, or had a little bit longer to think about it, I would have done the same as that man. But I don't know.

Sometimes I am frustrated by my own inherent passivity.

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