Monday, October 22, 2007

She-Vader Strikes Back!

(Cue Darth Vader theme)

So there I was at this con (in the dreams of my head upon my bed) and I was dressed up as Darth Vader. But I was, like, Darth Vader with breasts. I was fully clothed, you understand, it was a full-on, authentic costume, but it was all skin-tight and sexy.

And, go figure, everybody wanted to take their picture with me. So there I was, posing, taking picture after picture. And the helmut starts to get a little uncomfortable, so I take it off and put it under a seat somewhere to keep it from being stepped on in the crowd.

Later, I can't find it. I search for it everywhere--it's gone! I've lost my helmut!

What does this mean? Is this some kind of euphemism? Have I lost my con virginity?

I told you my unconscious is weird, didn't I? I warned you.

Isabel says I've stumbled upon my ideal Halloween costume.

1 comment:

Badger said...

Hmmm. Sexy She-Vader. The possibilities are endless.

Isabel beat me to the obvious conclusion.