I was 1 1/2 at the time of the moon landing, so I don't really remember it, but I remember watching the documentary "Moon Shot" in 1994 and weeping like it was happening for the first time. We need more noble efforts like this one, instead of endless, stupid conflicts. So that's my wish for today: A revived space program with scheduled trips to the Moon, Mars, and beyond...
47 Days til the Burn
...but unmanned. I became convinced some years ago that the best way for us, with current technology, to explore our solar system is with unmanned spacecraft. Not as romantic, but a lot more practical.
Yes, it does appear that the robots are the best "man" for the job--more efficient and expendable--until we can figure out how to create a perpetual supply of oxygen, food, and fuel, and perhaps a way to sleep through the long boring trips in between the interesting bits.
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