Wednesday, March 21, 2007

You Know You're an English Major When...

So sometime last night/early this morning I had this dream...

I am walking along in a crowd of people on my way to class. I am walking with a friend. We are behind a lady pushing a baby stroller. The baby is beautiful with these incredible eyes just staring and staring at me. And I say to my friend, "Don't babies have the most amazing eyes? They're like cats the way they stare at you..." But she shushes me because she doesn't want the lady to hear us.

We approach a church and we go inside, journeying down long hallways to our classroom. We are about to take an important test and we're all nervous. Then the baby crawls out of his stroller and sets off a bomb. The building explodes all around us. But strangely enough, only the building explodes-- all the people are unharmed.

At first, I walk dazedly around inspecting the damage. The church isn't completely destroyed. Some walls are still standing. But the roof is gone and I can look up into the sky. It reminds me of some of the bombed out churches I saw in Germany. Great hunks of rubble are suspended all around like a Patrick Woodroffe painting. (I was reading my Patrick Woodroffe book last night before I went to bed... I think I dreamed my way inside of one, or possibly several...)

And then I have this vision that there will be a shrine erected on this site to R2D2. I can see it so clearly, this bronze statue on top of chunks of rubble.

Then I remember my test and go back to my seat. I lift up the paper from my desk and read the question: Select two recent dreams and deconstruct them. "Well," I say to myself, "this will be easy."

Current mood: Fascinated
Current music: tori amos "iieee"

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