Monday, June 8, 2009

House vs. Doc Martin (and Others)

My parents always had this guideline, if you will, that if someone on TV wasn't the kind of person you would invite over for tea, then they probably weren't worth watching on TV either. Now granted, this doesn't always apply to serious drama, as found in films and theatre, and it certainly doesn't always apply to literature (from Gilgamesh on down, we'd be dealing with some very problematic houseguests); however, I think for television shows I watch regularly this is a fairly accurate rule of thumb. If I am going to devote an hour or more a week to this person, then he'd better be someone likable, someone with worthwhile qualities I can admire, or at least find humorous or diverting.

So my question is: How did an asshole like House get top billing?

He's taciturn, surly, is motivated purely by self-interest, has little or no compassion, and absolutely no manners. See, here's my problem with this guy. It's not like there haven't been characters like this before, but usually they've been relegated to a supporting role, making it clear that their behavior is not the norm. Making a character like House the star of the show sends out the message that it's okay to be a jerk when you're a genius and people need you to do what you do. I just don't buy it. We need more courtesy in this world, not less.

However, to be fair, I decided to look at some other characters whom I admire, ones that, if squinted at, might fall into the above category, but for some reason, I choose to forgive them.

Doc Martin. He's taciturn, surly, and lacks interpersonal skills. However, he does seem to truly care about his patients, even if he is incapable of expressing it. When he is careless of people's feelings, it's more from being oblivious than any deliberate malice. In fact, in most cases, he is exceedingly polite. I would enjoy his company for tea, but I have a notion I would make him nervous. The conversation would be stilted, and he would excuse himself early.

DCI Gene Hunt from Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes. Sure, he's the kind of cop that thinks with his gut and is more likely to solve things with a fist fight or blazing guns. But can you blame him? He's only being consistent with what a man of the 70s or 80s would do. As long as he's got 21st century foils Sam Tyler and Alex Drake to keep him in line, he's an alright bloke. I might not invite him to tea, but I'd let him buy me a beer.

Bernard Black, Black Books. I will grant you that Bernard can be a jerk at times, but he is more likely to make an ass of himself than be an asshole. He is just So Appallingly Funny. I would drink anything with this man: tea, wine, whatever's going. But I'd send him home before he decided to do Belly Savales or, god forbid, Cobumbo.

I am noticing a bit of a pattern here: They're all British (well, Bernard is Irish...). Am I really so shallow? Just dress the jerky behavior up in a fancy accent and I will forgive anything? Well, no, not exactly, no. I think what it comes down to is that there is a certain smugness in House that I dislike intensely, this attitude he has that he is just untouchable; they need him, so he can act however he wishes. I don't believe these other characters have that much power. And, in addition, I believe they are balanced out more equally by their co-stars.

All things considered, I would just rather spend my evening with my favorite fellows from across the pond. May House fade into oblivion.

89 Days til the Burn

1 comment:

Badger said...

When I step back and look at them, I can say the same thing about some of my favorite musicians. Jim Morrison, for example. I've always liked his music and his singing, but after reading "Nobody Gets Out of Here Alive," I realized he's was pretty much a complete asshole to everyone including his family. He would latch on to one or two people at a time and pay complete attention to them at the expense of everyone else. I realized that if I met him at a bar or a party I'd probably hate him. Others come to mind: Jimi Hendrix (self-absorbed and out of touch), Jean Sibelius (a drunk and poor family man), etc.

Then there are the writers...